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就像所有的材料和产品一样, 请记住以下标准, 除了成本, 选择地板时:来源材料和内容, 安装注意事项, 耐用性, 安装位置的适宜性, 维护和更换, 舒适性和外观. 一定要下载 绿色产品购买指南下载 500 K.






混凝土 floors can incorporate recycled materials such as fly ash from coal-fired energy production, 而且非常耐用. 作为一个主要的热质量, they can be used in conjunction with proper passive solar design for increased comfort and efficiency.

混凝土的生产是能源密集型的, 需要定期处理以保持表面密封, 又冷又难以站立.


软木是天然的, biodegradable and rapidly-renewable material that can be made into flooring materials with a variety of finishes.

软木瓷砖地板适用于厨房, is warm and cushy to walk on and also provides acoustical insulation.


层压制品, 或者浮动地板, 有木头的外观吗, bamboo or 软木塞 but are composed of a thin pattern layer over a tongue-in-groove base of wood or wood fiber and may incorporate recycled material, which reduces the amount of virgin materials necessary to create it.

这种地板易于安装,价格低廉. Drawbacks include: they cannot be refinished more than once or twice; are susceptible to moisture damage through the wood base, 而且它们通常是不可回收的. 寻找FloorScore标签以确保成分健康.


油毡是乙烯基的替代品, 而是天然的, 材料可再生,经久耐用, 抗菌抗静电.

It comes in sheets or easy to install click tiles that can be installed without glue or nails. 大多数油毡比乙烯基产品有更长的生命周期.


瓷砖 is another durable option that can also contain recycled material, and can be repaired by replacing individual tiles rather than the entire floor.

Drawbacks include the need for increased detailing to prepare surfaces for a successful installation, 瓷砖的生产通常是能源密集型的, 而且站在瓷砖上又冷又累.

木 flooring provides a durable surface that can be refinished over time. 在建筑再利用商店寻找回收或回收的木材, 可能来自于解构的建筑, 回收的树木或重新锯过的木材.

如果你选择新的木材, look for the FSC label which certifies that it was harvested and processed responsibly. Ensure you are using stains and coatings that meet healthy indoor air quality standards (look for no-VOC, 低voc, 或者用渗透性的油或蜡来代替聚氨酯.


地毯 is a soft forgiving surface that can be found with recycled content or natural fibers such as wool, 黄麻, 剑麻或竹子. However, carpet is not the best option for allergens and long term 耐用性.

Consider using area rugs made of natural fibers on top of hard surface flooring as an accent or for warmth under your feet. By going the route of area rugs you have flexibility in design without compromising indoor air quality.


它不是绿色的. 虽然是一种受欢迎的低成本选择, 乙烯基引发了对环境和健康安全的担忧, 尤其是在生产和处理过程中.

乙烯基 provides questionable 耐用性, and can produce harmful chemicals when burned. 避免乙烯基板材和乙烯基瓷砖地板.


  • 优先考虑硬表面地板. Use floor rugs over hard surface flooring when a softer surface is desired. 如果你决定地毯是必须的, 只选择绿色标签加地毯, Green Label carpet pads and no-or 低voc installation products.
  • Choose flooring made with recycled content and low or zero volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 避免在粘合剂或饰面剂中使用挥发性有机化合物. Off-gassing from carpet is particularly problematic immediately after installation. Recycled content carpet tends to off-gas less than virgin carpet.
  • 选择天然纤维地毯, 如羊毛或黄麻, 超过合成地毯, as they are typically better for indoor air quality than synthetic carpets.
  • 选择低绒地毯或铺光滑的地板, 比如油毡, 软木塞, 瓷砖或木头,以尽量减少过敏原, 比如宠物毛和灰尘.


  • 明智地选择你的底层. Use plywood and composites of exterior grade or those that have no urea-formaldehyde. Urea-formaldehyde in the indoor environment can cause health problems.
  • Never install carpeting on concrete floors without first performing a calcium chloride vapor emission test. 混凝土 can wick moisture up from the ground, wet the carpet and foster hidden mold growth.
  • Consider carpet tiles that can be installed easily without harmful adhesives. 也, worn or stained tiles can be replaced individually rather than ripping up an entire carpet, 而且瓷砖通常可以回收利用.
  • Ask your contractor or carpet supplier to roll out your carpet in the warehouse or other protected area for a week or more before installation. This strategy speeds the off-gas process before introducing the carpet to your home.
  • 使用耐用、可就地修复的地板饰面. 可现场修复的地板饰面, 也称为渗透油或蜡饰面, 浸泡在木材纤维中,不像聚氨酯等产品, 哪个在地板上涂了一层塑料薄膜. 随着时间的推移,聚氨酯会磨损, everything must be removed from the floor so screening and recoating can be done. This prevents many floors from being properly maintained, reducing the life span of the wood floor.


  • 让你的承包商回收地毯和其他地板. See the additional resources section below for links to help you find out where you can recycle carpet.
  • Look for one of the many recycled content options of carpet and other flooring. 地毯 made with recycled materials performs as well or better than carpet made with virgin materials.
  • 地毯 tile products can be installed easily without harmful adhesives, worn or stained tiles can be replaced individually unlike broadloom products, 而且瓷砖通常可以回收利用.




